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Born in 1967 in Frankfurt, Germany

Lives and works in Meudon, France

Painter, Yvonne Behnke draws her inspiration from the research of the effects of movement and transparency. Her fascinating works transport us with power and delicacy into mysterious worlds that we believe we recognize.


The infinitely small calls to the infinitely large and immediately invites us to meditate in another dimension.


On backgrounds with deep hues, the artist will deposit, one after the other, elements of diluted white paint and submit them, with infinite patience, to the natural forces of the universe.

Dried leaning or flat, evaporated or reheated with infrared light, sometimes blown, each element will come to life and appropriate a space in the canvas under the effects of the earth's attraction or the centrifugal force of a Chinese brush. The gesture is precise, slow, the movement repeated hundreds of times.


Bubbles, meteorites, necklace beads?

Are we in the cosmos or under the sea, in which dimensions? We do not know, we are deliciously lost somewhere, in the marvelous.


" If the painter marvels at the never totally premeditated extension of the form, the canvas itself bears witness to a body that has achieved balance. Eagerly scrutinizing the diversity of combinations, Yvonne Behnke probes the infinity of possibilities . "

Marie-Laure Desjardins (extract), art critic



Diluted acrylic on canvas




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